Mary Bisharat Memorial Scholarships
The Mary Bisharat Memorial Scholarships are supported by SacramentoBethlehem Sister City. Students who are residents of the governate of Bethlehem are eligible to apply. The scholarships are part of SacramentoBethlehem Sister City's mission to share the stories of the people of Palestine with the people of Sacramento, so students are encouraged to share photos and updates about their lives during the year.
تقدم منحة ماري بشارات بدعم من توأمة مدينة ساكرامنتو وبيت لحم، حيث يشجع الطلاب الذين يقطنون في محافظة بيت لحم على التقدم للمنحة، وهذه المنحة هي جزء من اهداف التوأمة والتي تتضمن مشاركة قصص سكان بيت لحم مع سكان مدينة ساكرامنتو، ولذلك يشجع الطلاب الحاصلين على المنحة على مشاركة صورهم وأخبارهم خلال العام الدراسي.
Want to apply for a Scholarship?
We welcome applications from Bethlehem-resident university students, those currently enrolled and those entering as freshman.
يجب أن تكون علامة المتقدم تعادل 3.0 أو أكثر (على مقياس من 1.0 إلى 4.0 أو علامة B / 80%)هل ترغب بالتقدم للحصول على المنحة؟ نستقبل الطلبات من الطلاب الذين يدرسون في جامعات في مدينة بيت لحم أو الذين سجلوا حديثا فيها - · يمكن للمتقدمين أن يرتادوا أية كلية أو جامعة فلسطينية بشرط أن تكون واقعة في محافظة بيت لحم - · B / 80%) يجب أن تكون علامة المتقدم تعادل 3.0 أو أكثر (على مقياس من 1.0 إلى 4.0 أو علامة - · يجب على المتقدمين كتابة مقالة قصيرة حول سبب رغبتهم في الحصول على المنحة، ويمكن أن تكون باللغة العربية أو الانجليزية. · يؤخذ الوضع المالي بالاعتبار كمعيار للحصول على المنحة. - About Mary Bisharat: Mary Bisharat was a tireless advocate for peace and social justice. She dedicated countless hours toward restoring human rights, land, and dignity to the Palestinian people.
A leading member of many local and regional efforts, Mary inspired the work that led to the creation of a formal sister city relationship between Sacramento and Bethlehem. Mary grew up in New England and in 1946 married Palestinian-American Maurice Bisharat - the love of her life. They had 5 children and now twelve grandchildren. and two great grandchildren. In 1947, Mary and her father-in-law, Sheikh Hanna Bisharat, were at the United Nations and watched while the U.N. General Assembly violated its own Charter by voting to divide Palestine. Through events unleashed by that vote, the Bisharat family, not only lost their family home in West Jerusalem, but like hundreds of thousands of other Palestinians, were prevented from returning to Palestine. We who had the privilege to know her will always miss her loving ways, her good ideas and advice, her truly middle Eastern hospitality, and being greeted with a hug and a kiss on each cheek. |
Please support the Mary Bisharat Memorial Scholarships!Your financial donation will help support university students of the Bethlehem area. Your tax-deductible donation made out to SacramentoBethlehem (MB Scholarship in memo)
and mail to: 909 12th St #118 Sacramento, CA 95814 Thank you for your interest in the young people of Palestine! Mary Bisharat (1926 - 2012) |